
Sound Energy and Afriquia gaz agreement

Juil, 30,2021

Sound Energy Morocco East Limited (« SEMEL »), its wholly owned subsidiary, has entered into a binding and fully termed conditional LNG sale and purchase agreement with Afriquia Gaz S.A. (« Afriquia »), pursuant to which SEMEL will sell not less than 171,000 cubic metres of LNG per year (approximately 100 million cubic metres a year of gas to be produced and liquefied from the Phase 1 Development) on behalf of the Concession joint venture (the « LNG SPA »).


Under the LNG SPA, SEMEL will commit, for 360 days of each year over a period of 10 years from first gas, to provide to Afriquia a daily quantity of between 475 and 546 cubic metres of LNG, and Afriquia will commit to an annual minimum « Take or Pay » quantity of 475 cubic metres per day of LNG.


Pricing under the LNG SPA will be within a range, the floor price being US $6 per mmBTU and the ceiling price commencing at $8 per mmBTU and increasing during the course of the LNG SPA to $8.346 per mmBTU and will be determined using an indexed formula which applies a combination of the European Title Transfer Facility and United States Henry Hub benchmark indices. The point of sale to Afriquia will be at the Tendrara (TE-5) field location following processing and liquefaction, with Afriquia having responsibility for transportation and delivery to its downstream customers.